A.S. College for Women, Khanna, came into existence in 1973, when A.S. College Management
Committee decided to upgrade A.S.College Khanna, Girls’ wing to the status of a full fledged degree
college for Arts students w.e.f. the academic session 1973-74 with a small number of 473 girls. The
formal inauguration of the college was performed by the then Chief Minister of the state, Giani Zail
Singh Ji. The mission behind the establishment was to provide value-based education and to make girl
students economically independent and awakened. From the very first day of its inception, the College
got a very encouraging response from the public. Continuous support of people of Khanna has enabled
A.S. College for Women, Khanna to establish itself as a very prominent institution of the area of the
leading institutions of Panjab University, Chandigarh.
The College is marching ahead under the dynamic and progressive guidance of A.S. High School Khanna
Trust and Management Society, Khanna which consists of highly cultured and enlightened persons.
ShriShri 1008 Swami TriveniPuriJiMaharaj has been an eminent source of inspiration and the college is
flourishing day by day with his blessings.
The College is situated on Amloh Road, Khanna. It is housed in a magnificent building of its own with
well-equipped magnificent triple storey building of its own with well-equippedspacious playgrounds,
sprawling lawns with blooming flowers, Gymnasium Hall, Conference hall, Common Room for Girls,
Home –Science Labs, Language Lab, Commerce-Block, Computer Labs, Fashion Designing Lab, a huge
well equipped air-conditioned library and a double storey hostel building with all modern facilities.
NAAC Accredited with ’A’ Grade,(result declared on 25 th May, 2016) our college is a very established
institution situated in semi-urban area, imparting education in 04 undergraduate courses B.A., B.Com.,
B.C.A., B.Sc.(Fashion Designing), 02 Add on Courses, one Communicative English and another Computer
Based Accounting. In the beginning the college was providing a choice of only 08 elective subjects, but
the number of subjects has now swelled up to 14. Besides two compulsory Subjects (English and
Punjabi) the students have the option to select three elective subjects out of 14 subjects which are
Elective Punjabi, Hindi, English, Sanskrit, History, Political Science, Economics, Sociology, Home Science*,
Music (Instrumental), Mathematics, Computer Science, Physical Education and Classical Dance. It is
compulsory for the students to study Environmental Education as a non-credit qualifying course at the
under graduate level.
The quality of Faculty is the anchor-sheet of any academic institution. The college is fortunate enough to
have a rich roasters who are dynamic, updated, innovative, result-oriented and tremendously
accessible. With a good number of Ph.Ds, M.Phils and UGC/NET qualified, the college faculty has a fair
mix of teachers and research scholars.
The College started NCC Wing from the session 2005-06 under 4 Punjab Girls Bt.(NCC), Patiala. Since
then, NCC cadets are participating actively in the NCC activities. NCC cadets have been bringing laurels
to the college under the guidance of NCC incharge, Lieut. Dr. GoldyGarg, besides this, the college has 02
Units of N.S.S. with 200 volunteers. This year these two units showed excellent performance under the
guidance of N.S.S Programme Officers Ms. HarinderKaur and Dr. Monika Jindal, N.S.S. Clerk Ms.
TaranjeetKaur, Ms. Babita. The main objective of The NCC wing and the N.S.S Units is to develop
organizational leadership and managerial abilities among the students.
The college has a very spacious canteen, common room, reading Room, T.V. , Mini Hall and Computer
Labs. The students can benefit a lot from the Readers’ Club and Youth Welfare Club present in the
college. The teachers have the facility of teaching with Interactive Boards and Interactive LCD Projectors.
A new Hi-Tech Conference Hall has been built, which is another feather in our cap. . The college has a
big Auditorium, where all functions & cultural programmes are organized. To fulfill this motive 21
Departmental Societies& Clubs have been framed and each department performs two to three activities
during the session.Our aim is to import Physical, Mental and Spiritual training to our young students so
that they may acquire requisite strength to cope with the challenges of life. Monday Assembly &
Thought for the week are the regular features of our college. We focus at producing students with well
rounded dynamic personality coupled with sound character. The college Motto “Satyam
ShivamSundram” is adopted to serve as an inspiration to the students. They are taught the dictum “to
strive and seek” which is the best in thought, work and deed. All this has been possible due to the hard
working and experienced staff of the college, co-operation of Principal and keen guidance of our Worthy
Management at every step.